Christmas Saving Accounts 2022


Christmas Savings Payout This year we have helped our members save €2,635,134.20 through our Christmas Savings Accounts and this has been paid out today! We’re proud to play a small part in our member’s Christmas by offering this service. The over €2.6 million Christmas funds are scheduled to reach member’s bank accounts later today or…

Board Oversight Committee – Volunteering


Volunteering The Board Oversight Committtee As we look for new volunteers to get involved with the Health Services Staffs Credit Union, there are committees that we are focusing on. One of these is the Board Oversight Committee. To highlight this committee and what’s involved who better to talk to than a current volunteer, John Keppel….

Anniversary Prize Draw


Celebrating 52 Years   Celebrating serving our members for 52 years by giving away €52,000 to 52 members!  Each winning member will receive €1,000 lodged directly into their account and a letter in the post notifying them. The Board of Directors, Management, volunteers, and staff would like to congratulate each of the winners. We are…

Betty Noone Bursary Payment 2022


HSSCU has paid out a total of €118,050 to our members through the bursary. With the average amount paid to an individual member standing at €227.50, helping to cover the cost of their education. The money has been paid out to successful applicants and they will also be receiving confirmation letters shortly. We had a…

HSSCU Scholarship Winners 2022


Congratulations to this year’s HSSCU Scholarship winners! Those selected will be receiving their share of €50,000 towards their further education costs. We received a very high volume of applications this year with a bumper number submitted.   The decision process was not an easy one due to the high quality of applications and the increased…

ESG Committee Formed


Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Committee   The ESG Committee is charged with the development of a set of standards for HSSCU’s operations that strive to address the challenges associated with climate change and broader sustainability issues. These can have significant implications for our members as individual householders and for the wider economy. The committee’s…

High Street Office Renovation


HSSCU High Street We are delighted to have recently completed the renovation works at our High Street offices. This is the main hub for HSSCU activities at all levels, located in the historical heart of Dublin City. As with many aspects of our lives the works were delayed due to COVID but since they have…

One Current Account Opened, One Tree Planted


HSSCU Are Proudly Planting Trees!   For every current account opened we’re planting one tree. We’re proud to have partnered with Cloud Forests as a Cool Partner. All members need to do is open a current account with us!  HSSCU will plant a tree for every new current account opened and anyone switching! With Ulster…