Ireland’s First Full Website Credit Union Membership Applications – HSSCU

News, Wednesday 24th October, by HSSCU

Ireland’s First Credit Union with Full Website Membership Applications

The day has arrived! Health Services Staffs Credit Union is beyond proud to announce that we are Ireland’s First Credit Union to have full online membership applications on our website. This milestone follows a heritage of progression set in the bones of HSSCU. For example, in 1997 we were the first Credit Union in Ireland with our own website! HSSCU identified this need for our nationwide common bond and have been working closely with our IT partner to create this function for all potential members. This has been a huge project and it is with great pride that we announce this new feature on October 24th 2018.




How Do I Join HSSCU Online?


Easy! Simply:

  1. Follow our link:
  2. Fill in all relevant information
  3. Submit


Once you have done the above, we will receive your application and should everything be correct you will be approved!


Why Join HSSCU?


Oh you know… just a small few reasons really:

  • Competitive loan products
  • Fantastic savings schemes (Christmas accounts and more)
  • Scholarships
  • Bursaries
  • Full online access to your account
  • CUAnywhere – our mobile app where you can login with your fingerprint!
  • Free insurances
  • Much, much more!




Can I Join HSSCU?


As we are one of Ireland’s strongest and largest Credit Unions – AND we have a NATIONWIDE common bond – many people want to join HSSCU. Well you can join should you fit our common bond criteria, which you can find here: HSSCU COMMON BOND.

Please also remember that you can join if you are related to someone who is a member of our Credit Union!





HSSCU Marketing Manager Statement:


Health Services Staffs Credit Union’s Marketing Manager stated,

“We are so proud and happy to be able to offer this service to our members. At present, we have members all over the country – everywhere from Dublin to Kerry, Galway, Waterford and all of the other 26 counties. What we do not have is an office in each county. With the introduction of our Online Membership Applications, everyone can now join from everywhere in as easy and quick a manor as possible and all from the comfort of their own home. No longer do you have to come into our office or download forms to join – it’s now fully available online! This addition to our digital portfolio is the icing on the cake of our full online account access with CUOnline, fingerprint login App CUAnywhere and more all culminating to make a fantastic experience and strengthen our relationships with our members. In the words of our CEO, we offer a ‘Bricks & Clicks’ policy and it is important to compliment our fantastic in-branch services with equally outstanding online ones.”

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