Our New Green Roof


  We are delighted to announce that HSSCU has installed a Green Roof!   During the renovation of our High Street Offices the decision was taken to improve the buildings sustainability and positive environmental impact. One aspect of this was to install a green roof and a sedum roof was selected. The green and living…

Support For Ukraine


We have been shocked by the events taking place in the Ukraine over recent weeks and hope that the conflict comes to an end soon. With this we wanted to provide support to those affected in there. The following are some of the ways that support has been provided.   Late Late Show Irish Red…

Higher Security Standards – Card Payments


  Higher security standards to come into effect for recurring card payments from  Tuesday 8th March   Banking & Payments Federation Ireland is today alerting consumers that from Tuesday 8th March 2022, as part of the ongoing rollout of Strong Customer Authentication (SCA), higher security standards will come into effect for certain card payments. These payments…

HSSCU Scholarship Reminder


  Every year we provide €50,000 to members through our scholarship funds. Supporting members with their educational pursuits is extremely important to us here at HSSCU.   A reminder that applicants are required to have joined HSSCU prior to March 1st in the year of application.   Whether studying for a degree, diploma, masters or…

Keeping Your Account Safe From Fraud


  Due to the recent increase in fraud we wanted to raise members awareness about fraud prevention. Fraudsters are calling people pretending to be from well-known service providers telling customers their service needs to be changed or upgraded.   The Fraudsters are getting customers to download apps such as TeamViewer onto their phones or devices,…



  Members have started to receive their Annual General Meeting 2021 notifications via email and post, so please keep an eye out for yours. We’re delighted to announce that our AGM will be held virtually on Wednesday 26th of January 2022 at 6.30pm via Zoom.   Members can register here: https://www.hsscu.ie/virtual-agm-2021/    Attendees on the…

Christmas Opening Hours 2021


Dear Members,   The staff at Health Services Staffs Credit Union wish you, your family, friends and colleagues the utmost best for the festive season to come. We are aware that this Christmas will be a bit different and we hope you make memories that last a lifetime with your loved ones. Should you need…