Member Notice: Online Services Maintenance


Our Online Services will be unavailable for a period of time from Saturday 10:00 pm through to Sunday 07:00 am for essential maintenance.   We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause and thank you for your patience.

Social Impact Report 2022


We are pleased to announce the publication of our first Social Impact Report this aims to showcase our impact on the community we serve, and the positive difference we are making to our members’ lives.   You can access the report here: HSSCU Social Impact Report 2022    Our Social Impact Since the establishment of…

Back To School Costs


  The Irish League of Credit Unions has today published the results of its annual School Costs survey, tracking the costs and impacts of children returning to school.  723 parents (out of a sample size of 2,510) from across Ireland responded to the survey, which was conducted by i-Reach Insights during June.   ILCU Back…

Ireland International Players – As Brand Ambassadors


  We are delighted to be a part of the Dublin and Cork Credit Union groups who have recently teamed up with Irish Internationals Denise O’Sullivan and Chloe Mustaki ahead of the World Cup.   Denise O’Sullivan – Cork Credit Unions    Renowned Irish International football player Denise O’Sullivan, as the Cork Credit Unions brand…

Savings Cap Removed


We are pleased to announce the removal of the Savings Cap. HSSCU members can now save up to a maximum of €100,000 across all of their accounts. This means that the maximum an individual can hold in savings within HSSCU is a total of €100,000.00.   Monthly Savings In addition, the monthly restrictions on the…

Text Scam Alert


Scam alert – Beware of scammers pretending to be a relative asking for help    Beware of text or WhatsApp messages appearing to be from a relative, in most cases a son or daughter, asking for help because they lost or broke their phone. It is likely to be a scam. The messages often begin…

Member Prize Draw Update


We are pleased to announce that an additional €10,000 in prizes has been added to the HSSCU Member Prize Draw. This starts with our May Member Prize Draw winners announcement. There will be 20 additional winners each month, each will win €500.   Every month now there will be a total of 31 winners sharing a…

Number One in 2023 RepTrak Study


Credit Unions Ranked as Number One in 2023 RepTrak® Study   Credit Unions have been ranked as number one among the top one hundred most highly regarded organisations in Ireland, in the Ireland RepTrak® 2023 annual study. The Ireland RepTrak® 2023 annual study is based on a survey of more than 5,500 members of the…

Sustainable Development Goal Champions


HSSCU together with other credit unions across the country, has been appointed Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) champions by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications for 2023 and 2024.   The Irish League of Credit Unions, working in partnership with representative organisations from across the sector, applied for the SDG Champions programme on behalf…

James’s Street Branch: Open


Member Update: Thankfully the issue has been resolved and our James’s Street Branch will reopen from 2:30pm today.   This is an update in relation to our previous announcement: Due to unforeseen circumstances HSSCU has been forced to temporarily close our James’s Street Branch. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Members can avail…